Ollas de barro, arte anasazi. USA.

Arte anasazi. Visto en el muro de Lia.

Haciendo ollas y recipientes de cocina. 

Earth And Fire e sun poema docuemntal sobre la artista Kelly Magleby.

"Earth and Fire" is a documentary poem about artist and primitive potter Kelly Magleby. Kelly went into the backcountry of Southern Utah with a knife and a buckskin for 10 days to learn about Anasazi pottery by doing it the way the Anasazi did it.
Funded by Primitive Found (.org), music by Jason Shaw @ audionautix.com, check out Kelly's art at anasazipottery.net. This the 1st video of 2016 for The Talking Fly short documentary project by filmmaker Steve Olpin, Enjoy!

Earth and Fire: Anasazi Style Pottery from Solpin Films on Vimeo.